Chairman & Honorary President DZAC3

Osama Ghattas
Urology and Andrology Consultant
Owner of DAR EL-ZOKORAA Centers

David Ralph
Honorary president, President of the British Association of urological surgeons. President of the European Society of Sexual Medicine

Gabriele Antonini
Leading Surgeon in Andrology and Urology, European Society of Urology (EAU), and the European Society of Medical Sexology (ESSM).
Meet Our Expert Speakers DZAC3

Ege Can Şerefoğlu
Chief Editor, International journal of Impotence Research Department of Urology, Biruni University, School of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey

Erfai Massud Emtair
Consultant urology-german board in urology-consultant
& Head of urology department in royal bahrain hospital

Juan I. Salamanca
Consultant in Urology, Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro,
Founder and Medical Director of Lyx Instituto de Urología

Mohamed Hamdan
Specialist Uro-Andrology,Penile prosthesis expert,Highest volume penile imolanter in the middle east. leadership award and expert award in penile prosthesis surgery

Sam Ward
Head of surgical department at the Kliniek Sint Jan, Active Member of the European Society for Sexual Medicine Executive Board Member for the UNESCO Chair for Sexual Health & Human Rights Member of the ESMN, European Sexual Medicine Network

Yaman El-Tal
Assistant professor of Urology
Meet Our National Speakers DZAC3

Kamel Hemida
Professor of Medicine and Diabetes,Alexandria University
President of the Egyptian Society of Diabetes and Obesity

Doaa Khater
Head of pediatric endocrinology unit Alexandria University
Fellow of Royal College of Physicians and Child Health -Uk

Sara Hassan Ajwa
Director of accredited onco- genomics diagnostic unit at faculty of medicine Ain Shams Research Institute (MASRI), Consultant clinical pathology & molecular genomics at medical ain shams research institute

Ahmed El Assmy
Professor of Urology
Mansoura urology and nephrology center

Ahmed Elghiaty
Professor of urology (endourology)
in Tanta University – Faculty of medicine

Haitham Badawy
Professor of pediatric urology
University of Alexandria Egypt

Salah Nagla
Professor of Pediatric Urology,
Fellow of Bambino Gesu, Rome, Italy

Heba Ahmed Abdelaziz
Associate Professor of Mental Health,
Alexandria University.

Moaz Sharshar
Head of radiology department of
Dar Elzokora cairo and Giza branches

Hagar Kamal
Consultant Psychotherapy and sexual therapy

Sherif Hegazy
Plastic surgery consultant

Wally Mahfouz
Associate Professor of Female and Functional Urology, Alexandria University Consultant of Female sexual health and couples’ therapy

Mostafa Elboraey
Fellow of the university college London .
Fellow Of European Board Of Urology
Consultant urology & andrology-
National Institute Of Urology-ElMataria

Ahmed Elhussein Abolazm
Lecturer, Mansoura Urology and Nephrology center, Mansoura University.
Meet Our Expert Chairmen DZAC3

Osama Ghattas
Urology and Andrology Consultant
Owner of DAR EL-ZOKORAA Centers

David Ralph
Honorary president, President of the British Association of urological surgeons. President of the European Society of Sexual Medicine

Erfai Massud Emtair
Consultant urology-german board in urology-consultant
& Head of urology department in royal bahrain hospital

Ahmed Zaghlol
Head of Beheira Doctors Syndicate obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist

Ahmad Elderwy
Professor of Pediatric Urology Assiut University

Moustafa Mabrouk
Consultant / Lecturer of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Interventions.

Ahmed Kassem
Lecturer Of Radiology, Consultation of interventional Radiology, Alexandria University

Amr Gaafar
Obstetrician and Gynecologist Fellow of clemont auvergne university, France

Atef Abo Zahwa
Consultant of Kidney Urinary tract, Andrology and infertility surgeon

Ahmed El Assmy
Professor of Urology
Mansoura urology and nephrology center

Doaa Khater
Head of pediatric endocrinology unit Alexandria University
Fellow of Royal College of Physicians and Child Health -Uk

Hafez Manna
Consultant Urology at damanhour medical National institute

Hasan Ali Gad
Aswan Univsersity | SVU – Department of Urology. Doctor of Medicine. Lecturer and Consultant of Urology

Khaled Mansour
Head Of Dar Elzokora Radiology department in Smouha branch

Rania El-Sharkawy

Sultan Fakhry
Consultant of Urology at st. mark hospital

Wael Elgazayerli
Professor of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Alexandria University

Ege Can Şerefoğlu
Chief Editor, International journal of Impotence Research Department of Urology, Biruni University, School of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey

Yasser Mesbah
Professor of reproductive medicine and ART Mansoura University, President of Delta fertility forum (DFF)

Amr Abou Faddan
Assistant Professor Urology Department, Assiut University